Friday, November 18, 2011

Shut the #$^% up!

That's what we have been told by American law makers. For those who are unclear as to what our constitution says about this, I offer the First Amendment:
    Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

I don't know if you can see where I am going with this or not. There are many who like to talk about how the current movement against the government is ridiculous or a waste of time. To those people, I say: "WAKE UP!"  As of today at 12am our freedom of speech and press was infringed upon. Today the federal government has chose to have YouTube censor it's videos.  This is in no way censorship of profanity or nudity.  It is a censorship of the press. The press however, isn't any longer FOX or MSNBC.  No, it is Americans with video cameras capturing raw footage of police brutality, or the number of multitudes encamped at every occupation in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street.  I, myself, have participated in 2 of these occupations, Los Angeles and Portland.  While I must admit, being at either of them the message can be vague, I must agree with their right to voice it.  
So what does this have to do with censorship? It is very clear to me how the two coincide. The Occupy Movement gains support through Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. This is by either reporting police brutality or by showing it's numbers and successes. The government wants this cut off. The reason they want it cut off is so Americans will keep believing that they are powerless against their government.  

The First Amendment coupled with the Second Amendment (The Right to Bear Arms) was put into place so that the people of this nation may be able to over throw their government at any moment. They planned it to happen in the case of such neglect and inequality.  Thomas Jefferson even wrote "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."  They honestly believed that revolution was a necessity every so often. Even to go so far as Noah Webster saying "The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States."

Obviously, when the First Amendment is diluted then the Second Amendment isn't as available and ready to act accordingly due to the lack of information at hand. Anytime a government is restricting the flow of information it is a sign that they are beginning to fear their people.  A great example of this is the insurrections in Libya and Egypt.  When they were under the assumption of revolt, they shut down all communications between their citizens. This was their way of trying to avert any resistance to the government.  Subsequently, this worked not in their favor, but against them. They would have done much better to have just left things alone.  

Now in America, the good ol' USA, when there is a sign of resistance the same things are happening slowly but surely. When YouTube was inundated with police brutality and multitudes of protesters, our own government who applauded the efforts of the aforementioned countries are now censoring and condemning the same actions within its own boarders.  Now, some may say "I see no problem with this because there are ways to circumvent it."  This however, is not by any means the point.  As the old phrase says "Give them an inch and they will take a mile."  This has been apparent since the days of the Homeland Security Act and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.  These guys have been seen at the Occupy Protests along with the Anti-Terrorism Task Force. When we relinquished our civil liberties we set a precedent for other freedoms to be taken from us. We no longer have privacy and now our First Amendment rights are at stake and if you cannot stand behind the occupiers cause then you have to at least stand behind their (your) rights. For, if these rights are not exercised they will be taken from us. 

The government is corrupted with the money of corporations, until recently they believed that we as the people were blind to it. Now that we are aware, because of their blatancy, they work against anyone who would oppose the negation of American vote which is true democracy. One must realize that corporate bribes, such as exorbitant campaign contributions, sway a vote more so than the voice of any peoples. This too, is a depletion of our inalienable rights.
So lets list the rights that have slowly been taken from us and are continued to be taken.
1. Freedom of Speech
2. Freedom of Assembly
3. The Right to Bare Arms
4. Freedom of the Press
5.Democratic Voice
6. Freedom of Privacy
With these things said, I beg anyone reading this entry to wake up if you haven't already. Comprehend what is at stake these days and try not blame the protesters for messing up a park, or blocking traffic. If you don't want to camp in the park with them or support them, please, do not speak ill of them because they are trying to insure that no other of YOUR rights are taken from you. Speak because it is your right. Assemble, because it is your right. Report! Even in non-violence be prepared to protect yourself.  Make sure your vote is counted and privacy is respected.  Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is moving from within your reach each day. 

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”
George Washington

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ever Wonder Why It's Called Programming?

   So, last time I talked about how the governement uses religion to influence Americans. In this posting I will discuss how corporations and the government use the media to do the same thing. 

   During his initial campaign, Barack Obama talked about transparency in the government. He went as far as to say that the senate floor would be constantly monitored by C-Span.  Of course, This didn't happen. Why? Well I am sure there are a couple reasons. The first of these being, America's complete lack of interest. For the majority of Americans it is nothing more than boring politics.  The second reason for this, It wouldn't solve anything. I mean who honestly believes that the lobbyist and special interest groups would pay politicians on camera?  This brings us to entertainment. It's the old Kansas City Shuffle.  They once again have you, the American looking one way and they go the other. 
   As Americans, we have an addiction to the television. And I have to admit that I will pull up an hour or so of programming per week. What everyone must consider is that corporations have control of these channels and their skewed messages will be represented. FOX News and Disney are obvious targets. 

   Sex sells. And it really does. Why does it sell? It sells because we have been made to feel inadequate and unattractive. We have been made to feel this way because we see representations of beauty that are unattainable and we compare ourselves to them. Now what happens is companies feed off of our insecurity. They sell us things by showing us how much more attractive we will be if we use or obtain their product. This is why cartoons aren't nearly as prominent as they used to be.They were made to sell toys. Cartoons are now set aside so that preteen shows can air so that children can now be programmed to think this way too. I honestly never would have watched garbage like iCarly or Wizards of Waverly Place. This is also why MTV is nearly never about music but reality shows where it's about nothing but sex. Corporations need to make the American consumer from a young age believe that without it they are socially unacceptable. Honestly think about how "beauty" is sold to us. Remember when Princess Diana died?  She died the same week Mother Theresa did. Princess Diana was acclaimed for her charitable acts as if she was a saint.  Meanwhile, Mother Theresa who gave her entire life to charity barely got a mention. Why? Maybe because she was old?  Perhaps it was that she had no political power or wealth? Either way, it told us what the news finds important.

    Lets look at the news. IMPENDING DANGER AHEAD! Once upon a time, there was a journalistic attitude that was as much as possible unbiased. It was called integrity. The press was once used to be the government watchdogs. Now the government has the news stations and newspapers in their back pocket. You turn on FOX News and they tell you how horrible everything the democrats are doing is. Then you turn on CNN or MSNBC and they do the same thing to the republicans.  Perhaps it's not nearly as obvious, but they do it. On each side, they scare the living hell out of you. Insurance agencies do this all the time, and it's a great marketing ploy. "We scare you into taking what we are offering because the alternative is horrifying" Remember when the dirt throwing was only on campaign ads?  Now it's all over the news too. The news has become a political playground  meant to keep you the Duracell Battery working as part of the system.
   Some will tell you that TV has great stuff on it that's incredibly informative and interesting at the same time. The History Channel is something that is often thrown out there in the defense of the tube. To that, I say "Bullshit." Have you seen what's on the The History Channel lately? Pawn Stars? Ice Road Truckers? Ancient Aliens? Monster Quest? NONE OF THIS IS HISTORY! In fact, It is my belief that Ancient Aliens is only to give credit to Scientology. That is sort of a side point though. Television exists for really only three reasons; to brainwash you, scare you and subdue you. This is all for corporate gain. No other reason. 
    Religion has been called the opiate of the masses.  I challenge that and say "No, that is television."  I find myself hard pressed to believe that anyone would be taking the crap our government is giving us if television wasn't around. As long as the masses can sit on their couch and watch TV while gorging their faces, they will be much less likely to stand up to what the government is doing.  This is the modern day version of The Colosseum. Rome made sure The Colosseum was kept going so that Caesar could do what ever he wanted so the Romans wouldn't notice. The ORIGINAL Tea Party happened because the colonists were being unfairly taxed and not represented in England.  Taxation without Representation. This is happening to Americans right now and no one has really seemed to notice and those who have are greatly misrepresented on any news channel to the point of blacking out their incredible feats. Our forefathers bleed and died because of this and we are going to just sit by and let the liberties they gave us slip away because we were too concerned with a bitch named SOOKI?! Not only that, there are many people this winter braving the elements so that our freedoms maybe be secured. So many other Americans not only do not give a fuck, but they are also degrading them because the news has generalized them as a bunch of bongo playing, pot smoking, rainbow gathering hippies fucking up a park.  I love quotes and one I remember is "When a peaceful revolution is made impossible, a violent revolution becomes inevitable." Things are going to get way worse in this country and it is going to be way too late to do anything about it because when we had the chance to to do something we were lazy, scared or preoccupied. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

You shouldn't talk about Politics and Religion

So we have been told not to talk about religion and politics. Those issues are taboo social conversations. I get it. It's the two things that can bring fury out of anyone. However, I am ready to accept all of your fury readers. I posted this on facebook earlier:
    The establishment in every way has let us down. Our government, our schools and our churches. They waver from the reasons of their creation. Our government was to be "For the people, by the people." Our educational system was to increase the knowledge of many. Our churches were to spread the love of Christ. All of these things have been used as tools to manipulate us! Our government is ran by who ever pays the most and they tell the government to create debt through education and lie to the students by changing the curriculum. Then it says to the churches, "follow us, we have your back. We will force your beliefs onto every other American and tell you which candidate is the Antichrist." Not only will they do that; they will use those issues to distract you from the tyranny they wield. With the government and the churches aligned they will have you supporting something that looks nothing like Christ. You will support the rich and step on the poor. You will go to other countries and kill all the while chanting "God Bless America!" Look at the corruption around you! Stand up and be counted as the ones that stood against it! Otherwise, it will not just continue to happen. IT WILL GROW!
   Now this must be said from jump, I am a Christian. However, my faith is never pushed upon anyone else and I believe it must remain out of politics and nor should it's messages be taught as science. 
   With that said and out of the way, I hope you will stay for the discussion. In 1997 there was a movie called Wag the Dog. This movie showed how a fake war was created to distract the American populous from a presidential sex scandal.  Wagging the dog happens quite often in government. They pull up issues that will get attention such as abortion, legalization of marijuana, or gay marriage.  Normally, the conservative's followers get into an uproar about this. In all honesty, I believe the only reason that gay marriage and marijuana are still illegal are not due to any moral objections of the government. They remain as side issues to distract us from what is really at hand. It isn't the government's place to make any laws considering the prohibition of these.  As with abortion, it's a matter of choice. Now, Republicans will wave the Christian flag like a banner for one reason only. Listen very carefully to this next sentence: They wave it only to gain support of Christian votes.  It isn't because they actually care about any of these issues. Republicans are as much like Christ as Hitler was like Gandhi. I actually wonder if some preachers get paid to preach pro-republican from their podiums. I think it is highly possible. If not, I do believe, the heads of things like the Christian Coalition and the Religious Right do. There is some perk in there for them.  Now, how does this fit in with the Democrats? Trust me, they are not without fault. It takes two sides to argue, and while these meaningless arguments are thrown in the public's face there are other things happening.  The American people are being raped because they are distracted by issues that shouldn't be issues. Religion should be a matter of choice and belief, not a basis for government policy. There was a reason "Separation of Church and State" was put into The Constitution. People have fought in the names of their religions for centuries. I have yet to find one of them that says go kill people. 
     With this said, don't believe for one moment that I believe that all violence is pointless.  When it is called for, do it and do it with everything you have! The road to liberty runs red with the blood of tyrants and saviors. I'm sure that what I just said is a rip off of someone else. However, it is important to say. What I do not agree with is violence in the name of any deity. It is nothing but a sick perversion of religion and we can see how it affects things with Christian and Islamic extremists. Both of these religions say they believe in a omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent creator. With a belief in such, there should be no way to reconcile violence with it.  If you start to demonize Christianity due to all of these morons claiming belief in it; I suggest you read the New Testament. If you start to demonize Islam due to terrorists; I suggest you read the Koran.  What you see in our world today is merely governments using these faiths as a banner to get more people to join their side. They say "God is with me, and I fight for God. If you truly worship God then you'll forward this email"...LOL! Sorry i couldn't resist! They say "If you truly follow God then you will fight with me."  Obviously, their arguments go a bit more in depth than this but it is the basis. As with my joke earlier, I'm sure you have gotten the email that challenged your faith and you can see the persuasion in the message if you do prescribe to Christianity.  This is why Religion has no place in our government.  It can be used to manipulate people easily and especially if they feel they need to justify their faith.  
    The founding fathers had generations that had to live under the tyranny of The Church England and they saw how church and state were in NO WAY compatible! So this is the end of my first blog entry. I encourage you to comment and discuss this.  Invite others to do the same.  Next time we will be talking about how the government uses the media.   Looking forward to the upcoming conversation!
Yours Truly,
