Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A vote for the lesser evil, is still a vote for evil.

People have asked me who I am going to vote for. I'm not sure. There are really two choices that I believe are adequate. The first of these is a fictional figure that cannot in anyway be misconstrued as a real candidate; maybe Optimus Prime or Kermit the Frog. The other choice is no one. I heard an interview that made quite a bit of sense to me. It was with Lupe Fiasco talking about why he has chosen not to vote and it really got me thinking. Why would I vote for someone who wasn't good for our country? Currently, there are still four candidates in the running we have Barack Obama, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Ron Paul. 

I have been called a moron, a racist, an extreme leftist and seditious for my views on this election. However, I do believe that this election is a complete joke. I have looked back since Ronald Reagan was in office and I noticed that there is one thing that ALL of the administrations had in common since Reagan was elected. All of them have furthered the power of the corporations. Let's review. Reagan had trickle down economics. The policies that it introduced were releasing regulations on corporation and making tax cuts for them. After Reagan, we had George H. Bush. This Bush owned an oil company an then invaded Iraq over oil competition. In the 80's and early 90's, oil ran this country, exclusively. It was his administration that started NAFTA. Next we have Bill Clinton who signed NAFTA into to law, which effectively killed the US textile industry by allowing corporations to move their companies to nations with lower wages. Then on top of all of that we had a second Bush that waged the same war his father did and then went after Afghanistan. Along with that there was a $700 billion bail out of Wall Street along with outrageous tax cuts. Now Barack Obama who has claimed to stop the intermingling of politics and money has appointed JP Morgan executives to his cabinet. Citizens United was also signed within his administration and after he said he'd stop the bush tax cuts, so he'd be elected, he extended them.

Now you may ask how all of this has anything to do with the elections. Well Obama's record speaks for itself as being pro-corporate power. Now let's look at the rest. We'll look at Newt first. Gingrich's consulting firm racked up $1.6 million in fees from the government-sponsored enterprise Freddie Mac, we learned this week from Bloomberg News. Gingrich's job was to help Freddie Mac win over conservatives to this market-distorting, bubble-fueling, housing-subsidy entity, which is now officially owned by the federal government.(Timothy P.Carney). As for Mitt, He agrees with Citizens United that Corporations are PEOPLE. Now let's look at many of the Occupiers favorite, Ron Paul. Ron Paul said on Dec 1st that Lobbying needs to be protected, and he looks to extend the Bush tax cuts if he is elected.

Now the way I see this, ALL of the candidates have exactly the same agenda. They look to strengthen the hands that already choke us. So one may ask why I refuse to take the election seriously in anyway. It is this simple. EVERY CANDIDATE WANTS TO FUCK US! If I'm getting fucked, can we at least vote for Jenna Jameson for president?  She's a pro at it and that way I don't have to be fucked by some over paid old, white or half white guy.


With all of this said, let it be known that the president has ZERO power. He is just a puppet to tell the American people "Everything is fine, stay calm and keep shopping and busting your ass to do it." Another heads up about the election; NEVER in American history has the American people elected a president. This is done by the Electoral College. Electoral Votes can be bought. Honestly, any other belief is naive. So be very aware and understand this, there will be no one in the office of president that isn't put there by the elite. It is all a hoax to make you wait hopefully for four years that the next "change" will be better. This preoccupies you from actually doing anything!  Welcome to "Mock 
the Vote 2012." Your vote means NOTHING!