Another provision of this act is to declare American soil a battlefield. This means that the military can do as they wish. If they suspect you of being a terrorist they can effectively bust in your door and hold you in a FEMA camp indefinitely. This is one of the weapons of violence that can be used against you in the name of national security and crime prevention. The president has also been given the power to stop all communications with just the touch of a button. This power was executed for three minutes on November 9, 2011. It was a test of the emergency broadcast system but in reality it was a test of this power. The United States government is gearing up for something, possibly something horrendous. It could be World War III, or it could just be to control an uprising. There are a reasons that these laws are being put into act. It's isn't anything to with terror, In fact the real terrorists are the members of the US government. We are told we are at war with something you can't fight, terror. JFK said "All you have to fear is fear itself." He was saying that fear will control you. Our government, with the aid of corporate media have scared us shitless. They use this fear so that we will support their agendas silently and believe they are doing what isn't their best interests but the best interests of Americans. We have all been fooled.
You have been told that you have the freedom of speech. Try to use it and see if you really do.
You have been told that you have the right to privacy. Patriot Act took that from you.
You have been told that you have the right to a fair trial. NDAA has taken that
You have been told that you have the freedom of press. Proctect IP and SOPA have taken that.
You have been told that you have the right to bear arms. Was taken back before the 40's
You have been told that you have the right to assemble. Also I dare you to actually do it.
You have been told that you have the right of taxation with representation. The Citizens United Act took that.
You have been told that you have the right to own property. The Banks own it all.
You have been told that you have the right to life. Can you afford health insurance?
You have been told that you have the to pursue happiness. Without money how? If you have a job sucking away your life, where is your happiness??
Aren't these the things that made America what it was? Didn't you believe these were your freedoms? Now, I tell you once again. You are a slave. Still you choose the shackles. Still you believe you are free. Men with money and power run everything and they are purely corrupt and evil. Edmund Burke said "All that evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing." That's what you are doing waiting for an election to change something. Do you ignore your civil obligation and responsibility out of fear or apathy? Right now, they have built prisons and coffins for us and signed legislation to detain us indefinitely without trial. What are you doing about it? They see the revolution coming but the TV tells you everything is fine and you believe it.
A patriotic citizen will fight for their rights and the rights of others. There is nothing patriotic about your Stockholm Syndrome.
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